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Easy Steps On How To Build An Apps For iPhone In 2022

Developing for the iPhone is a precious skill, but it’s hard to know where to begin if you haven’t developed an app before. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make iPhone apps. To make the iPhone app, we will begin from the early stage and show you how to build a simple, real application that one can run on your mobile device or upload on App Store. In this way, we will learn about the fundamental steps of creating ios apps. This guide will take you through the steps of how to build iPhone apps, experimenting with and improving your idea, crafting a design for the UI and UX, coding the app with Objective-C and Swift, submitting it to Apple for approval, and putting it on the App Store.

Define The Reasons for Making An iOS App

There are multiple reasons why people create apps for their favorite phones. According to Statista, in 2021, the Apple App Store had more than 2.2 million apps, which have been downloaded more than 60 billion times. This trend has led to the increasing demand for making iPhone apps. Let’sLet’s look at a few reasons people make an app for iOS:

  1. To build a business or increase sales for an existing enterprise

This might be the most known reason for creating iPhone apps since it helps to amplify revenue from the business. If you own a business and want to sell more products or services, then making an iPhone app for your business can assist you in doing that. For instance, if you own a restaurant and need to increase orders from your clients, you could create an iPhone app that lets clients order food directly from their phones. You could also include things like coupons or special offers in your app. Another example could be if you own a retail store and you want to get more people into your store so they can see what you have to offer. You could build an application that includes details about the store so people will know where they can find it.

  1. To build a career as an iOS app Programmer

Developing apps for ios can help you advance your career as a mobile application programmer, or you can even make a company that builds iPhone apps.

  1. To earn money by selling the apps

It’s no secret that the Apple app market is a huge source of income for many people who know how to make an app on ios. It seems like every week. There’s a news story about someone who quit their job to focus on creating iPhone apps and made more money in a month than they did by working all year.

  1. To build a reputation and showcase skills

Many app developers learn how to make iPhone apps to create a reputation and showcase their skills. If you have a great creative idea, the App Store can be a great way to get your work seen by the public. If you’re working for an employer, you may create an iPhone app as part of your job. If you’re creating an app for business purposes or just want to make something fun, an iPhone app allows you to engage with your audience and provide them with content they can use in their daily lives.

Steps Before Creating An iPhone App

Have you ever thought to make an app for iPhone? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of new apps are added to Apple’s application store every day. It can be difficult to know where to begin when creating your app with so much competition.

If you are an aspiring application creator, you must know all the steps required to create an iOS app.

There are four significant steps that you should follow when educating yourself on how to make your own iPhone app:

Do research on your competition

To succeed, you have to find out about your competitors and see what’s out there. If a developer has already created an application that functions like yours, then chances are you won’t get much traction with your version. Therefore, you need to identify a gap in the market and make sure that no one has already created an app with such features before.

You can also use this opportunity to learn from errors that other developers have made. If other apps don’t work as well as you expect, then make sure that yours doesn’t suffer from the same issues.

Try the apps yourself

“It is really important to try out the different apps yourself,” says Scott Nelson, founder of The Next Step Design, a design firm specializing in mobile applications. “If you’ve never designed an app before, it might be a good idea to get some experience.” This can be done by learning how to make an app for iOS. 

The first thing to do before putting your hand on how to create an iPhone app is to try out some of the exact applications on the market. There are several reasons for this:

  1. You can see what works and what doesn’t work.
  2. You can see how much competition you have.
  3. You can see the general direction the market is moving in.
  4. You can learn from the mistakes of others.
  5. You can get ideas for the functionality your app might want to include.

Examine customer feedback 

When you start thinking about making ios apps, you should look at ratings and reviews first. Remember to read the feedback for your rival applications and similar apps that don’t directly compete with yours. This will give you an idea of what people search for in an app like yours, what they expect it to do, and how it must work.

User feedback will be your best source of facts on features to incorporate or alter. You can get a lot of valuable information from reading through the reviews.

Analysis of prospective app users

Before you dive into building an ios app, you should do a little preparation. First, get feedback from potential users to see if they want your app. Then, design a database or Excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the information required for the mobile app.

Surveying prospective customers is one of the most important steps before educating yourself on building an app for iPhone. To succeed in business, you have to know your target customers and their wants. Asking questions: what do my target users need? If you’re developing a new mobile application, it’s essential to find out about the desire of your app users before spending hours and money building it.

The best way to do this is to speak to users who will ultimately use your app and ask about their goals, habits, frustrations, and motivations. When you have answers to these questions, you can build a better product. 

Ways to conduct a survey for an iOS app

When planning to create a survey for your iOS app, you must first have an idea of the questions you want to ask your respondents. Here are some tips on how you can effectively create a survey for your iOS app:

Specific inquiries should be made. The main point of crafting a survey is to gather feedback from your respondents. You should be precise and direct with your requests as this will assist you in getting answers that are more accurate and useful.

Use closed-ended questions. This is one way to help make it easier for your respondents to answer the poll of queries. This type of questionnaire requires less thought and effort from the respondent because they choose among the answers.

Avoid asking too many questions. A good rule of thumb is that a survey should not contain more than eight questions. If you want to know more, try creating a second survey targeting another set of respondents.

A survey of potential iPhone users will help you understand what people are looking for in a mobile app and what functionalities to pay attention to when you familiarize yourself with making an iPhone app.

You can determine whether there is a need for your particular app. Gain insight into how people would use your app, what features they’d like to have, and how much they’d be willing to pay for it. Consider sending out a short survey by email or social media to friends, family, and acquaintances. Ask if they use mobile apps on their phones or tablets why they use them. Ask if they would buy an app or download a free one with ads built-in.

Plan Your App 

When you first started, you probably had an idea of what kind of app you wanted to build. The design process is where that idea starts to take shape.

You might think that planning is only necessary when gathering insights on creating very complicated iPhone apps. Even if your app is relatively simple, it’s a good idea to start with a plan, and it will help you ensure that every part of your app serves a purpose.

Core vs secondary features

In this step, you’ll be focusing on two different types of features: core and secondary. 

A core feature is a key function of your app, and it’s the reason why people will download it in the first place. Core features make sure your app delivers its intended value.

A secondary feature is an additional function of your app that might be useful but isn’t essential to the core value. Secondary features are what differentiate your app from others in the same space.

An example of a core feature is Uber’s core functionality: to get you from A to B as quickly and conveniently as possible. Scheduling a pickup at a particular time is a secondary feature because it helps deliver that core value but isn’t necessary for the app to serve its purpose.

The core features are often set by regulations or requirements when the app is for a specific industry.

For example, a banking app should include features for:

  • Checking balances
  • Making payments
  • Transferring money between accounts

But that doesn’t stop there. If you want to create an app that will be used, you should go beyond the basic requirements, and that’s where secondary features come in. 

These extra features will make your app stand out from others in the same niche. For example, a banking app might have secondary features like:

  • Setting up direct debits and standing orders.
  • Designing customized alerts, so customers are informed when their balance gets low or if a payment is due imminently.
  • Making payments using location data to identify nearby merchants who accept mobile payments.

Build a wireframe for iOS app 

You might have a mobile app in mind or are just starting the brainstorming process to develop an iPhone app. It’s important, to begin with evaluating how your app will accomplish the task intended.

The early step is to create a wireframe. This is essentially a blueprint that outlines your app’s essential features and screens, including how they interact with each other. It doesn’t need to be fancy — the key is to focus on performance and user experience (UX).

A wireframe is an outline or rough sketch of your app idea — it’s a visual representation of the features and functions you’d like to include in your app.

Your wireframe can be as detailed or simple as you want, but it should ideally include all the critical elements of your app. It will indicate what your application needs to perform and what time and effort it will take for you to bring your idea to life.

Here are six steps for creating a successful wireframe for your app:

1. Identify and prioritize your goals for the app. Make sure that you understand precisely what you want the app to achieve and why it will be meaningful to users.

2. Determine which essential features and which can be saved for later iterations. Don’t feel as if you have to include all of your ideas in version 1.0; part of agile development is delivering an MVP (minimum viable product) and then building on it over time based on user feedback and analytics data.

3. Define the “flow” of activities through the app, using pen and paper or simple software tools like Balsamiq Mockups or Mockingbot. Don’t worry about making it look pretty at this point — just focus on basic functions.

4. Know your users. Before you begin sketching a wireframe, take a moment to identify who will be using the app (or website). This identification process is called personas, which are developed by collecting data via interviews, observations, and surveys of the potential users. Prototype the entire user experience and flow. 

5. Find inspiration from other apps. Before you begin the design process, make sure to do your research. A good way to start is to look at other mobile apps. Browse through app stores, make a list of features you like, or take screenshots of the UI elements you find interesting.

6: Turn your sketches into digital wireframes. Before jumping into a digital version, physically draw out the wireframe. The physical version will allow you to sketch quickly without distracting visual design elements. 

Once you have created your initial sketches in pen and paper, it’s time to move them over to a digital version so others can view them and provide feedback. Share early and often with key stakeholders. Showing your wireframe to clients early on will allow for feedback that can help shape the product before it’s too far along in the process.

How To Create An iOS App?

There are three main ways that you can create IOS apps.

The first is to use an app builder such as Andromo App Maker for iOS. This tool allows you to upload your content and build the app from simple in-app templates.

The second option is to code the app yourself using IOS’s Xcode framework and their Objective C programming language. This is a steep training curve for most people and requires solid coding and software design knowledge to build a decent app.

The third option is to hire a developer from a platform such as Freelancer, Guru, Upwork, or PeoplePerHour to code the app for you.

This can be a good option if you have some money available, but it’s not cheap. You need to get the developer on board with your vision of what the app should do, which can be time-consuming and difficult if you’re not technical yourself. You also have to be careful about handing over money upfront before any work has been done, especially if you’re new to outsourcing development work.

Let’s now dive deep and explain each one in detail:

Use app builder

Here I will outline how Andromo is easy and intuitive to use, and in doing so, I will show you how to build an iPhone app with little or no programming or design experience.

Andromo is a mobile app-building platform where you can create professional Android apps without writing a single line of code. Turn your ideas into reality with a few clicks. Build exciting video apps, informative apps, e-books, audio apps, business productivity apps, and much more.

No Need to Learn Coding

Andromo is trusted by professionals and hobbyists from all over the world to make solid commercial quality apps.

No programming is required. The Andromo app maker requires zero coding knowledge and is ideal for non-programmers. You don’t need to be an expert or write any code whatsoever! Just add the content and select the desired functions to build professional quality mobile applications suitable for Android devices everywhere.

Android also has an extensive library of resources that can help you learn how to develop apps for iOS.

Andromo has a trial period of 14 days. Before subscribing, you can use it to try out Andromo functionality and make sure it meets your needs.

If you do not cancel your account within 14 days of creating it, your account will be automatically upgraded to a paid subscription at the end of the trial period. If you want to continue using Andromo after that point, select a subscription plan and enter billing information.

Code the app yourself

Xcode is a great way to create an app for iPhone. It’s a free download from Apple and is straightforward to use. Xcode has a built-in interface builder that makes it easy to prototype your design then connect your interface to your source code. You can also debug your app and submit it to the app market.

If you’re not familiar with software building, it might be worth taking a course on how to develop an ios app before you dive too deep into writing code. The Harvard Extension School offers great options for beginners.

The most popular language for building iOS apps is Swift, developed by Apple in 2014 and has been updated ever since. It’s great for beginners because it’s easy to understand and it’s similar to English, which makes the learning curve less steep than other languages like Objective-C.

Once you’ve got a handle on a programming language, you’ll need to install Xcode on your Mac computer if you want to build an iOS app. Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) that contains all of the tools necessary for developing software on Apple platforms.

If coding sounds intimidating, don’t worry! Many resources on the internet can help you learn how to use Swift via video clips or blogs. Here are a few places to get started:

Pay a developer

The first thing you need to do is find a developer. If you’re not a programmer yourself or don’t have access to an in-house development team, outsourcing is your best bet. You have two options: You can either hire somebody full-time, or you can hire a firm to do it for you.

If you choose to go with an individual, look for someone with intensive knowledge in building apps for iPhone. If you want to go with a firm, make sure they have experience developing apps similar to yours. If possible, hire someone who has developed and published an app on the iTunes App Store. Remember how I said that it’s easy to throw together a crappy app? The same holds true for developers. It doesn’t matter how impressive some guy’s resume looks if he has no idea how to design a user interface or write code that won’t crash every five seconds, don’t hire him.

Test your app

Before you publish your app, it’s important to test it thoroughly. You can use the below service to do testing for the app both internally and externally:

Apple iOS App Store’s TestFlight

Test your app internally before submitting it for review. Use the TestFlight app to send your beta build to internal testers and gather feedback on performance, crashes, or other issues.

Internal testing is a great way to provide a more limited access group of users with early access to a beta release of an app. It’s also an effective way to get valuable feedback before releasing your app.

The TestFlight app allows testers to install and beta test apps on iOS, tvOS, and watchOS devices. Testers must receive an invite directly from a developer before they can begin testing with TestFlight. Once invited, testers can redeem invitations in TestFlight to install, test, send valuable feedback, and get updates for the beta app.

Inviting Testers

You can manage your testers in App Store Connect. To add a new tester, click Add New Tester and enter their email address.

If you have an iTunes Connect user with the same Apple ID as their App Store account, they will instantly be added to the list of testers when they accept your email invitation or follow the public link.

To invite a user with a role other than Admin or Technical, you need to add them as an iTunes Connect user (see Users and Roles). Create a separate user for each member of your team that you want to invite to test with TestFlight. Otherwise, users will receive multiple invitation emails and not join your beta testing group.

Adding Devices

To add a testing phone to the list of TestFlight devices, you must sign in with the same Apple ID that you use in the App Store Connect app.

Before you release your app to the public, you need to make sure it is ready. You have already tested it internally, but you should also have some external testers. External testers are people who can give you an unbiased opinion on your app.

You can get external testers in several ways:

Send your app to friends and ask them for their honest opinion. Friends can be very critical and are unlikely to hold back if anything is wrong with your app.

Hire testers from websites such as MyCrowd or uTest. These sites allow you to post a job listing for beta testing, complete with a description of the features you want to be tested along with any other requirements you may have.

Ask on forums or social media platforms such as Reddit or Facebook if anyone would like to test your app in return for a free download or a discount code.

Publish Your App

You’ve finally built your app. Now you need to get it out there.

The process of getting your app ready and available on the App Store is called “launch.” There are a few different ways to launch, but the most common is “soft launch.” You release your app in different markets, such as Germany or the USA. 

You may also opt to supply the app exclusively to a limited list of beta testers. This allows you to make sure everything works as planned, get initial feedback from real users, and make any necessary adjustments before introducing your product to the world.

Once you’re happy with the beta testing or soft-launching results, you can submit your app to Apple for review. The process takes about a week or two and includes checks for quality, content, and whether or not your app follows Apple’s guidelines for developers. If approved, it will officially be available in the App Store.

To do that you can follow the below process.

Build your app store product page

1. Log in to the Apple Developer Program

2. Select “App IDs” on the left menu, then click the blue “+” in the top right corner to create a new App ID.

3. Fill in the form with the information you created earlier in this tutorial and press Next, then press Submit when you see the confirmation page. The App ID should now show up on the main page for this section of your creator profile.

When you’re finished, click Continue, then Submit when you see the confirmation page. Your device should now show up in your list of devices on the main page. 

Choose the right name for your app

Choosing the right name for your app is important during the app-building stage. The name is a great way to make a first impression, and it can make people curious about your app and give them a sense of what it does. People may not even know how to use your app, but the name could intrigue them enough to try out its features.

You should make sure that you’re choosing a unique name for your app that stands out from all other apps in the App Store. If you want your app to be easily found, make sure you choose a name that describes the functionality of your app so that people searching for that type of functionality can find it easily by using the search bar in the App Store.

A good app name helps you stand out from your competition, makes it easy for people to remember and identify your app, and communicates the type of experience people will have when they download it. 

Here are three tips that can help you select a great name:

1. Be precise: A precise name can help potential users understand what your app does at a glance, which helps them decide whether to download it. Avoid generic or vague names, especially those that could be used to describe multiple types of apps.

2. Be unique: A unique name helps with discoverability on the App Store and can make it easier for you to start building buzz through word-of-mouth marketing when you launch.

3. Be evocative: An evocative name can create an emotional connection with potential users by suggesting what they might experience once they download your app while also making it more memorable.

Don’t forget your app’s icon

Now that your app is ready to submit don’t forget about the icon. This is a very important part of your app (millions and millions of people will see it) so it should be taken seriously.

Your app icon is the image users will see on their Home screen when they download your app, so it needs to be memorable and representative of your brand. 

If you don’t have a designer on hand to create an icon for you, plenty of online tools can help. You need to supply versions of the icon in multiple sizes, which Apple lists on their requirements page.

The smallest size is a tiny 29px square, and the largest is a 1024px square (yes, a whole 1024px!). Once you have prepared all the necessary sized icons, you should zip them up into a single folder and upload them to iTunes Connect.


Adding a subtitle is another good way to describe your app and let users know exactly what they get when they download your app. A good subtitle should be short but descriptive and highlight the features of your app. Also, it’s recommended that you use keywords in the subtitle. For example, if you have a game app, you can add “Game” as one of the keywords in your subtitle. 

If your app isn’t localized for other languages, Apple will take care of translating it for you. You still need to provide all of the required assets, like screenshots and icons, in every language that you want to offer your app.

App previews and screenshots

There are two parts to the App Store Product Page:

App Previews. You can create short videos to show off your app in action.

Your app preview should be between 30-60 seconds long and include footage captured on-device. You can use an app called Reflector ( to mirror your device to your computer, or you can use the QuickTime Player on Mac to record your device.

Screenshots. These are still images that give users a sense of what it’s like to use your app. Screenshots are a great way to showcase your app’s functionality without the user downloading the app first. Localize these screenshots for the various languages you support to increase downloads worldwide.

You may include up to 10 images or videos on your app profile, and they’ll show up on your account in the order that you upload them.

If your app is listed for the intention of iPhone 6 or later, you may as well upload three more additional screenshots in each localization that show your app on an iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 7 Plus.

App description

If you are coding by the Xcode project editor, it’s possible to view the app’s metadata in the editor’s Identity pane. 

Note: To prevent your app from being rejected during the screening phase, be sure to include a clear and complete explanation about your application. Don’t include spammy search phrases in the app explanation box; instead, focus on describing its uses and performance.


In order to rank on the app market for certain searches, you must include intended search phrases in the app explanation box, with the keywords and content this will generate user downloads.

Embed the search phrases in your app name: Apple now uses search advertisements, so simply putting search phrases at the end of subtitle is too manipulative. It’s advised to put search phrases in the app explanation area. These search queries matter a lot in the Apple App market, and they assist potential app customers in seeing the exactly mobile app when looking for similar topics.

Final Thoughts

You are now aware of how to make an app for iPhone, the next step is to get your hands dirty and start creating something. it’s advised to begin with something simple.  If you have any questions about getting started, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help you out.


On Key

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